Manage Your Creative Organisation in the Digital Realm
Learn the basics, new trends and opportunities
in the international arts management theory and practice
This masterclass will help you to:
Understand the basics of arts management theory and practice
Learn about new trends and opportunities in managing a project or an organisation in the arts and culture sector
Analyze the specificity of an organisation in the arts and culture sector
Understand and implement diverse management models in the arts and culture sector
Analyze your online and offline audiences, stakeholders, partners & competitors
Manage the marketing aspects of your creative organisation in a digital environment
Recruit, motivate and manage your team
Find diverse sources of financing and fundraising, including online
Elaborate budgets and manage your finances
Learn about innovative practices in arts management from different corners of the world
This masterclass will help you to:
Understand the basics of arts management theory and practice
Learn about new trends and opportunities in managing a project or an organisation in the arts and culture sector
Analyze the specificity of an organisation in the arts and culture sector
Understand and implement diverse management models in the arts and culture sector
Analyze your audiences, stakeholders, partners & competitors
Manage the marketing aspects of your creative organisation
Recruit, motivate and manage your team
Find diverse sources of financing and fundraising
Elaborate budgets and manage your finances
Learn about innovative practices in arts management from different corners of the world
Reserve your spot for this masterclass now!
This Masterclass is offered in limited editions and there are limited spaces.
Contact me to reserve your spot for the online class, or if you need further information or orientation.
Get the course books on Amazon: International Entrepreneurship in Arts and Strategic Management in the Arts.
When you join the course, we will open an internal Facebook group to share and collaborate more efficiently in between the sessions.
Learn more about my international teaching experience in Masterclasses & Teaching section.

Attending an online session is easy and fun! The first time could be a bit confusing for the “new users”.
No worries at all, you will certainly manage! The FAQ below aim to help you to know what to expect before, during and after each session. If your question is not listed here, please contact Lidia.
What is the uniqueness of these masterclasses?
- The dialogue format of the masterclass is an important feature that distinguishes them from similar offers in the online marketplace.
All sessions are in a live mode and are not recorded.
There are no products for sale before or after the masterclass. It is one-time unique form of online gathering and does not repeat in the same way, nor is it videotaped.
How many sessions are included in one masterclass?
Each masterclass consists of 4 sessions. Each session lasts for 2 hours. There are 4 consecutive sessions every week for 4 weeks, all of them on the same day of the week and at the same time.
What does a live online session look like?
Each session is a two hour live presentation and discussion. Once when registered, participants view presentation slides via the Internet and listen as well as watch the presenter through computer speakers and camera.
Each session is split into two parts: 1part: Online presentation by Lidia (45 min) and time for feedback and questions (15 min); 2 nd part: same structure: Online presentation by Lidia (45 min) and time for feedback and questions (15 min).
Is there any limit of the participants for each masterclass?
The difference between this masterclass and a regular webinar is that the number of participants here is limited up to 20 in order that each participant has the opportunity to interact with the presenter, ask questions, post comments and be heard. Smaller groups are preferable.
What do I need to do prior to my masterclass starting date?
You need to get motivated, pay the fee to join, have a computer (mobile or tablet) with headphones (or microphone), as well as camera (if you wish), and find a place with Internet connection.
Do I need any special programs or settings on my computer to participate in the masterclass?
Most modern computers are equipped with the necessary components to participate in the webinar sessions. You can join the masterclass from a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device. You need Internet connection, headphones or speakers. In case you plan to participate by speaking not only chatting, you will need also a microphone.
Do I need to have basic knowledge on the subject matter and/or prepare any content prior to each session?
No initial content preparation for the sessions is required.
Do I have to complete all 4 sessions in a consecutive way (e.g. in 4 weeks in a row)?
It is up to you to decide would you join all sessions or not , but the registration and payment is for all 4 sessions.
Do I need to purchase the textbook for the masterclass?
The textbook is a reference tool for future use. You do not need to have the textbook to participate in the masterclass.
What is the cost for each masterclass?
Each masterclass costs $160 for the 4 online sessions.
What do I get when paying the registration fee for a masterclass?
You get access to participate in all four sessions, as well as an opportunity to meet the presenter and other participants online and ask questions. You also have the opportunity to receive the presentation after each session for your own use only.
Can I use someone else’s card to pay for the masterclass?
Yes you can. However, be sure to create the account under your name. You will have the opportunity to enter the credit card holder’s information before you make the actual purchase.
How I can pay for the online course?
We accept the following forms of payment: Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard, Paypall and pre-paid credit cards.
Is there a refund if I am not satisfied with the content?
Please, read the workshop description carefully before registering and contact Lidia if you have any questions prior to your registration. We are unable to refund your registration in the event you are not satisfied, because a limited number of reservations are accepted into each workshop.
Will I see the presenter?
Yes, you can see and listen the presenter, as well as the slides, videos and other materials that are shared online.
Can I interact with the presenter?
Yes, all participants may “chat” questions and comments to Lidia at any time during the presentation, but it is recommended that you save your comments or questions for the Q/As at the end.
How do I ask a question during the masterclass? Will my question be answered during the presentation?
During each masterclass you can ask a question by typing it into the question box that appears on your webinar screen or by microphone. The Question & Answer period is scheduled as part of each session to answer as many questions as possible.
Can I record the sessions?
No audio or video capture is permitted. Doing so is in violation of copyright laws.
What time zone is “EST”?
“EST” stands for Eastern Standard Time. I am located in Montreal, Canada. Please, check your time zone and synchronize accordingly.
Can I get a copy of the presentation/slides being used during the sessions?
Yes, you can get a copy of the slides upon a request sent by the website to the presenter. They are copyrighted and are only for your own use. Only registered attendees may request a copy.
Who do I contact for more information related to the content?
Contact Lidia with the title of the masterclass you plan to take in the subject line.
Will I be able to purchase products following the masterclass?
No, the masterclass is not designed to sell you products but to be a unique form of online learning and sharing that does not repeat.
How do I sign up for a webinar?
Just click the registration link on the webinar page. As soon as your registration is received, you will receive a confirmation email with the link to access the webinar. On the day of the webinar, click the link (about 15 minutes before the scheduled start time is recommended) and you will see the welcome screen for the webinar. You will need to enter your name and email address that you registered with.
Happy Stories
“I have greatly appreciated Dr. Varbanova’s unique style of teaching. She has given us real life advice and shared her personal experiences in order to fully demonstrate an entrepreneur’s viewpoint of the business world.”

Adrian Abbate
Student (Fall 2010)
John Molson School of Business
Concordia University, Montreal
“What Prof. Varbanova has given me was more than knowledge. She has given me guidance, direction and inspiration, optimism and motivation on the path of my personal and professional development.”

Marija Gajic
Executive Director
International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism IGCAT
“I have greatly appreciated Dr. Varbanova’s unique style of teaching. She has given us real life advice and shared her personal experiences in order to fully demonstrate an entrepreneur’s viewpoint of the business world.”

Adrian Abbate
Student (Fall 2010)
John Molson School of Business
Concordia University, Montreal
“What Prof. Varbanova has given me was more than knowledge. She has given me guidance, direction and inspiration, optimism and motivation on the path of my personal and professional development.”

Marija Gajic
Executive Director
International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism IGCAT