No doubt that Facebook is a very powerful social networking site where millions of people worldwide “meet” every day, exchange viewpoints, links, videos, photos, opinions, activities, invite each other to events, share tastes, and much more. It is easy and fun, and saves time to communicate: we can learn at a glance what all our virtual “friends” are doing without calling them individually. Facebook groups – communities of friends with similar interests, are also becoming extremely popular. Many cultural and artistic organisations create a facebook group to further promote their activities, to share news and events with their community, supporters, and members. This is also a powerful way to stimulate discussions and listen diverse opinions.

Here are few tips to set up and expand successfully a facebook group:

– Configure it well: Make sure that your title, category and description are relevant as this is the first thing people are attracted to.

– Decide if you need to open a Group or a Page for your organisation or project. Learn what the differences are.

– Decide will your group be open for everyone to post comments, or people can join only after invitation/approval by an administrator.

– Use your email contacts and invite people: There might be good contacts outside of facebook, so, send them invitations: to Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail subscribers.

– Use blog posts to also invite new members to your new facebook group.

– Update your group regularly and keep the content fresh and appealing.

– Post visual materials together with texts: photos, videos, etc.

– Apply the “human factor” – talk about people, not only about projects and events. Personalise your space and give a flavour which brings “people to people”.

Here are several groups already existing on facebook: in cultural policy, arts management training, European and international networking, as well as few with a special focus. Add more to this list, so that we enlarge our joined experience on what is available on facebook and how to use this powerful social network in a productive way to promote and advance our research and artistic work.

Cultural policy

Cultural policy group: General group in Cultural Policy, providing information on definitions, interpretations, resources, links, related to this term:

Culture Unbound Journal of Current Cultural research: a journal for border-crossing cultural research, including cultural studies as well as other interdisciplinary and transnational currents. It is published electronically as open-access

European networks and platforms

Relais Culture Europe

A Soul for Europe

European Association of Archaeologists

European Festival Association

European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers ENCATC

University Network of European Capitals of Culture

Creative Force

European organisations

European Cultural Foundation

European Parliament

CEU Center for Arts and Culture

Black/North SEAS


Voluntary Arts Network

Other networks and platforms

Association of Arts Administration Educators, USA

American Association of Museums

Alliance for Arts and Culture, Canada

Canadian Arts Coalition

Arts Consultants Canada

Association of Fundraising Professionals

African American Arts & Culture Complex

Art and music groups and pages

Artist of the week

Van Gogh

Digital Art! :: Arte Digital

Art & Music

Justin Time Records

Add to this list by using the Comments space below.

Well you can also be frustrated, tired or against facebook. In this case you can make a “don’t like button” on your facebook profile, or join the group Millions against facebook’s privacy policies and layout redesign.

Post here your opinions and reactions. Do you use facebook at all? Do you use it to promote your research work? If yes, what is your experience? if not, why?

Read this blog post also on the Young Cultural Policy Researchers Forum Space on LabforCulture.

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